Melissa Scott

Books By Melissa Scott

Night Sky Mine

By: Melissa Scott

Kelly 2/1 Ista is an apprentice hypothecary, learning to work with the quasi-living computer programs that live and breed in virtual space.

Death By Silver

By: Amy Griswold, Melissa Scott

His practice newly established, metaphysician Ned Mathey can't afford to turn away any clients. But the latest Londoner to seek Ned's magical aid gives him pause: Mr Edgar Nevett, an

Water Horse

By: Melissa Scott

For the last twenty years, Esclin Aubrinos, arros of the Hundred Hills, has acted jointly with Alcis Mirielos, the kyra of the Westwood, and the rivermaster of Riverholme to defend

Burning Bright

By: Melissa Scott

When space pilot and ambitious young game developer Quinn Lioe gets shore leave on the free-port planet of Burning Bright, a nexus of trade balanced between the human and Hsai

Storm Warning (gen:LOCK)

By: Melissa Scott

The last few months have been a whirlwind for Cammie MacCloud. Ever since she agreed to join the gen:LOCK program to help fight the Union, an authoritarian force threatening the

Retellings of the Inland Seas

By: Athena Andreadis (editor), Melissa Scott

Trapped on an abandoned space station and facing looming disaster, a starship's crew must choose whether to accept the help of the station's last survivor

Steel Blues

By: Jo Graham, Melissa Scott

When the Gilchrist Aviation team tries to win the money to keep the business going by placing first in a coast-to-coast air race, things get complicated!

A Player’s Heart

By: Melissa Scott

Find love, fame, and intrigue on the stage of the city's all-woman Opera! Put on a show, survive drama on and off-stageā€¦and win your lover's heart. Choice-Based Interactive Fiction