Two people, one with medium length blond hair and wearing a sleeveless black uniform, the other with short black hair wearing a long sleeved black uniform with the cuffs rolled back, and both wearing large watches on their left wrist are superimposed over the image of a large spaceship in the shape of a rounded rectangle that hangs over a planet lit only by the rising sun just below its horizon.

Stargate Atlantis: Pride of the Genii

By: Melissa Scott

Pride before a fall...

As guests of Chief Ladon Radim, Colonel Sheppard's team witness the launch of the Genii's first starship - Pride of the Genii.

Pride before a fall…

As guests of Chief Ladon Radim, Colonel Sheppard’s team witness the launch of the Genii’s first starship – Pride of the Genii.

Radim needs the Pride’s first mission to be a success if he’s going to control the hard-line opponents of his treaty with Atlantis. So when the ship disappears, he turns to Atlantis for urgent help. With the Pride out of contact, Sheppard’s team must track her across the Pegasus galaxy, piecing together the events of her ill-fated maiden voyage as they race to find the stricken ship before time runs out for her crew – and for Chief Radim.

But as they navigate vicious Genii politics, mysterious illnesses, and hostile wildlife, the Atlantis team soon find themselves fighting alongside the crew of the Pride – for their survival and for the future of peace with the Genii…

The complete Legacy Series



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